Our Own Excuses and How They Tear Others Down

This blog, and many other parts of my life, have been neglected the last few weeks. There is so much to do and some days I feel like I just can't get to everything. Then other days, I decide to take up a new hobby and buy a sewing machine so I can learn a new skill with all of my free time :) As I sit here typing this post, there are dishes in my sink and toys on the living room floor and a napping baby that should be waking up annnyyyyy second. He will wake up and I will do the mad dash to clean the house before my husband gets home from work. Yes, today is one of those days that I just feel like I don't have enough TIME.

But let's talk about that for a minute. 

Last week, while browsing through a mom group on FB that I usually never even venture into (not the Mom Mob, if you're reading this, Mobbers LOL) I saw a comment that got me to thinking. A mom made a comment that she was going to start potty training her one year old son. Not really potty training, though, more like just setting him on the potty every now and then to get him comfortable with the idea. Another mom commented and said "if you have time for that, more power to you, but I just don't".

The reason that struck me is twofold. One, we as women must have a build in need to make excuses or justify our own actions and two, all too often, those excuses tear others down. I have exactly the same amount of time in my day as the potty training mom but I'm not potty training my son right now because it's not important to me. Plain and simple. It's not even on my radar right now. It's on one of my good friend's radar and she is working on it with her daughter but we don't all have the same radar and that is okay. Wouldn't it have been just as easy for that mom to either not comment at all or to just say "Good luck! We are going to start potty training sometime next year"? She didn't have to justify the fact that she isn't potty training just like she didn't need to insinuate that the other mom is sitting around, twiddling her fingers. 

Another example could be from my friend Larissa. Larissa is a total bada$$, okay? She is an AMAZING Beachbody coach, runs her business from home, and has two young daughters. Larissa preps snacks for herself and her daughters if they are running errands while I just ran to the gas station for a can of pringles because I have no food in my house... See the difference? Now, how unfair would it be for someone to think "well, I'm glad she has the time to meal prep and work out but I just don't". She has two toddlers, she doesn't HAVE time, she MAKES time. My meals come from a gas station because I don't make the time. Why? Because as crazy as it is, it isn't important to me, and EVEN MORE CRAZY, I don't have to justify that. No one is asking for an explanation of my diet lol. 

All I am saying is, we make time for the things that are important to us and you don't have to justify your priorities to anyone. And remember, if you are in a situation where you feel lead to justify your own decisions, another woman's choices don't have to be belittled in the process :)


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